Catch AirportLink
Sydney’s Airport Train
Catch AirportLink
Sydney’s Airport Train
How much is a train ticket?
It depends on where you are going to and how you pay! The cheapest way is via Opal Card or tapping your Visa, Master, or Amex card directly on the gate (it’s called a “contactless payment”). You can purchase a single ticket at a ticket machine, but that is a bit more expensive.
The ticket to or from an Airport station comprises a Gate Pass and a rail component. The Adult Gate Pass is $17.70, or $17.34 when using an Opal Card or a contactless payment. The Child Gate Pass is $15.60 or $15.50 via Opal or Contactless. These amounts are added to a rail ticket.
It is always useful to use which will indicate the fare.
As a more general indication, travelling between either Sydney Domestic Airport or Sydney International Airport Station and any of the City Stations, or Kings Cross is:
Adult Off Peak
Gate Pass - $17.34
Rail Component - $2.94
Adult Peak
Gate Pass - $17.34
Rail Component - $4.20
Child Off Peak
Gate Pass - $15.50
Rail Component - $1.47
Child Peak
Gate Pass - $15.50
Rail Component - $2.10
Single tickets from TOTM’s (maximum charge):
Gate Pass - $17.70
Rail Component - $5.00
Gate Pass - $15.60
Rail Component - $2.50
- Child age is between 4 and under 16. Children under 4 travel free.
- See for Opal card Fares and benefits.
- Please note that ticket prices in this section are as at July 2024 and are subject to change.